Language professionals rendering a speech in another language without the speaker having to pause are often called "simultaneous translators" (the professionals call themselvers "simultaneous interpreters" really). If you are looking for linguists who can do this for you in German, English, Spanish or French, get in touch: Syntax Sprachen GmbH in Frankfurt, Germany.
Example: Board meeting facilitated by skilled simultaneous translators
Here's a common scenario from our portfolio: The Supervisory Board of a large corporation based in Frankfurt, Germany is comprised mostly of German members, but there are also non-German members who represent the international parent company. The non-German members do not speak German, so English is used as the common language. However, given the importance of these meetings, it is crucial that everyone is able to express themselves clearly, which can be quite challenging in a language that is not their native tongue.
Professional interpreters, specifically those trained in simultaneous translation, are the perfect solution:
The German members will have the ability to express themselves in their native language. The international representatives can effortlessly follow the proceedings through their earpieces, and with real-time translation at their disposal, they can actively engage in the conversation.
As former German foreign secretary Hans-Dietrich Genscher once remarked when referring to the value of a good interpreter: Everybody says exactly what they intend to say, not merely what they are capable of articulating in a foreign language.
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