Syntax Sprachen GmbH
Konferenzdolmetschen - Übersetzungen - Beratung
Huegelstrasse 8
60435 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49-69-9567-8088
Company Register Frankfurt am Main HRB 40007
VAT ID No DE172999658
Business transactions shall be governed by German law. The place of jurisdiction is Frankfurt am Main.
Managing Partners
Anne Berres, Martin Granacher, OliverPospiech, Stephanie Rosenberg, Nadja Schmidt
Responsible for content
Martin Granacher
acting as Managing Director (Geschäftsführer) of
Syntax Sprachen GmbH
Huegelstrasse 8
60435 Frankfurt am Main
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While we take the greatest care to check for content, we shall not be liable for any content of external links. The owners of the pages linked shall have exclusive liability for their content.
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Idea, text, design, realisation
- Manuel Schramm, OX11. Agentur für Visualisierung und Kommunikation.
Leimen / Darmstadt - Birgit Heintz - Text | Konzept | Training (content writing on key pages)
- Portraits of Syntax team: Manjit Jari - Fotodesign
- Gettyimages
- © Yuri Arcurs; pressmaster; razhusin; Aron Amat; pojoslaw
- iStockphoto: © Abel Mijtja Varela; monkeybusinessimages; serts; Tom Merton
- AdobeStock: © Anze; fizkes; pressmaster; thampapon1; sibway; Jacob Lund
- © Vereshchagin Dmitry; roibu; fizkes; Gulyas Kristof